ABYSS tienda on-line con buenos precios pero mala atención telefónica. Ya me han hecho darme varios paseos a la tienda física para después irme con las manos vacías.
Audiotronics tienda on-line
In Madrid
LaNetro (Guide) (Nice café close to Lavapies with excellent views)
Lonely Planet Guides (and much more...)
Cheap Flights (cheap flight search engine)
Trekking y Aventura (hiking, climbing and all kind of trips)
geographica (hiking, climbing and all kind of trips. Hike club.)
Infoaventura (all kind of outdoors activities.)
Taranna club de viajes (hiking, climbing and all kind of trips.)
EasyJet (now flying between Madrid and Geneva)
Ryan Air (cheap flight tickets between minor airports)
Thomas Cook (cheap flights from Germany) (only for flights starting from the US)
Air Travel Center (links to many other flight search engines)
Spanish GPS site (Links, forums and much more. In spanish)
Geopainting (homepage for GPSMapEdit. Make your own GPS maps)
IMG files upload (How to transfer img files to your Garmin GPS)
Create your own maps for GARMIN GPS
i) TrackMaker (allows to create detailed maps to be processed with MapDekode)
ii)MapDekode (allows to create img files)
iii) How to create GPS maps for Garmin (usefule info about how to create a whole map)
GPSnow! (Almost everything at good prices)
Waypoints (Nautical navigation hardware and software)
Funny and strange statues around the world
My own stuff
50 preguntas sobre la enseñanza de la religión
Last update 17/05/2008